Revista Aletheia: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 303
COVID-19 y estrategias económicas familiares: ¿cómo enfrentan las mujeres chilenas la vulnerabilidad en esta crisis?
La propagación de la enfermedad por COVID-19 ha tenido una serie de repercusiones negativas sobre la salud de las personas, la estabilidad de las familias y la economía de los países. Este artículo analiza la situación de ... -
The use of digital media in school: a study of media images and teaching perceptions
The use of digital media is one of the imperatives of the 21st century agenda. It is therefore important to look into social images and teaching perceptions about professional performance with new technologies. In this ... -
Ecos De Ciudad: La Experiencia Estética Del Barrio Desde La Perspectiva De Los Jóvenes
En el espectro de la ciudad de Bogotá aparecen unos ecos que piden ser escuchados desde la distancia para participar en su comprensión y desarrollo, estos son: El barrio y el joven, un espacio vivido y un sujeto que lo ... -
El aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito mediante el arte. Un aporte desde los procesos sociales.
Exclusion processes derived from difficulties in learning and development of written language represent a worldwide concern, a situation that raises the need to generate opportunities based on understanding it as a cultural ... -
Inclusión, una mirada hacia la comprensión de las voces de los docentes
Analytical summary The objective of this study is to understand the social representations of a group of teachers in relation to pedagogical practices and to co-construct a proposal for the construction of peace from an ... -
Reflexión sobre las dinámicas de poder en el aula: la relación maestro estudiante. Un estudio de caso
Desde un enfoque de investigación cualitativa, en la cual se empleó el estudio de caso realizado en la Institución Educativa Gonzalo Restrepo Jaramillo, en Medellín, para este artículo se hizo un estudio de las relaciones ... -
Impacto del docente innovador sobre el aprendizaje utilizando las TICs en secundaria
Este artículo presenta hallazgos derivados de la investigación magisterial denominada “Impacto del docente innovador sobre el aprendizaje utilizando las TICs en secundaria”. El estudio está enmarcado dentro de la metodología ... -
Bienestar and Mental Health: The Meaning Behind a Word
This paper is an autoethnographic reflection of the author’s time spent in Bogotá, Colombia through a graduate study abroad program with the cuny School of Professional Studies. Through the lens of mental health, the author ... -
The Exploration and understanding of Forms of Organization and Youth Participation in Bogota -
From New York City to Bogota: A Youth Worker Autoethnography
This article is an autoethnographic reflection of a New York City based youth worker’s participation in an immersive educational experience in Bogotá, Colombia during the summer of 2018. By reflecting on this experience, ... -
From New York City to Bogota: A Youth Worker Autoethnographic Reflection
This paper explores the autoethnographic journey of a graduate student learning about youth work in a global context in Bogotá, Colombia. The research questions posed focused on examining the structures in ... -
Lekeia in Colombia: An Examination of Self and Social Emotional Learning Through a Culturally Comparative Lens
This autoethnography is a reflective essay that discusses the impact on the author during the educational excursion to Colombia, through the framing of Social Emotional Learning (sel) in youth development. Through examining ... -
Análisis del desempeño de los pasantes de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada en el periodo 2011-2015
The purpose of the paper is to study the evaluations obtained by students in the program of industrial engineering at the Military University Nueva Granada, who selected internship as a degree option since 2011 and socialized ... -
Entrepreneurship and Human Development: A Glance from Youth
This article presents a study that aimed at understanding the social representations of entrepreneurship among people between 14 and 18 years old attending to the Ramon Múnera Lopera School in the city of Medellin. ... -
Risk Practices in Childhood. A Glance from Political Subjectivity
The following study provides the results of the research conducted on risk practices taken by boys and girls in the school environment and how these influence in shaping their political subjectivity; this is why understandings ... -
Archeology and genealogy of communities of practice in Colombia
This article presents the process and the results obtained from a research exercise, which using some methodological tools of the Archaeological and Genealogical approach, aimed to make visible the conditions that made ... -
School Relations Management and Potentials in Children with Diverse Educative Capacities or Special Educative Needs
This article present the results from the research: “Ludic as mediation in a strategy of strengthening potentialities in children with diverse educative capacities” which aimed to comprehend and promote school relation ... -
Cultural Immersion & Self-Reflection in Bogotá
This autoethnography highlights the experiences in Bogotá, Colombia with the collaboration of the cuny Youth Studies program and Fundación Centro Internacional de Educación y Desarrollo Humano (cinde). This collaboration ...